What Life Coaching Is and Isn't?

Types of Life Coaching

What is Life coaching?

Is it for you? Have you ever asked yourself, "how can life coaching benefit me"? If you're unsure what life coaching is and what it isn't. Then, you're at the right place.
Life coaching has grown exponentially in recent years. But it's often misunderstood and intermixed with other health fields. So, what exactly is life coaching? Let's find out together.
Life coaching helps ambitious people reach their maximum potential and achieve the desired outcomes in all areas of their life.
In life coaching, your coach is not a healthcare provider butĀ instead acts as a facilitator. Firstly, to help you identify the gap between your present and future ideal state. Then, map out all the steps to reach your destination or goal and the obstacles they may get in your way. Everyone has their unique personal goals. These goals vary from person to person based on interests, abilities, strengths, or desires.



What is the role of a Life Coach?

The life coach's role here is to help clients become self-aware regarding their true strengths, talents, weaknesses, values and limiting beliefs. The next step is understanding what they want from life and the purpose behind their desire. This step is crucial as, most of the time, people cannot find meaning even after spending their whole lives searching. However, a conversation with a life coach makes the process much smoother by learning how to take control of their life.
Once you have a goal, it's time to take massive calculated action. Your goal can relate to any aspect of life you want to improve. The life coach helps you create an action plan of small attainable goals to reach your final destination. Then, the life coach supports you in overcoming your limiting beliefs. (if any) and empower your mindset to take action. Finally, hold you accountable for not taking action.

A life coach is not someone who gives advice. Alternatively, your coach will engage in a thought-provoking conversation while asking the right question to assist you, the client, in finding the answer you have longed for. It's all about YOU and Your LIFE, so you're the one to take charge or make a decision. The coach only provokes you to think, reflect, and take action in the right direction once you know what you want in life and why. It is essential to align your life with your true purpose, authentic self, strengths and values. Ultimately, achieving your targets and living a happy and fulfilling life. In other words, living your best life by becoming a better version of yourself.

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Benefits of Life Coaching.Ā 

The benefits of life coaching are unlimited. In simple words, it can turn around your life in several ways. Primary benefits include.

Primary benefits include.

  • Develop a growth mindset
  • Improved Performance
  • Increased Productivity
  • Boost Self-Confidence
  • Better mental health
  • Improve relationships
  • Work-life balance
  • Effective time management
  • Improved Communication Skills
  • Increased life satisfaction
  • Achieve goals in less time
  • Improve sense of belongingness
  • Increased engagement
  • Become a team player and leader

So, try out getting life coaching services and enjoy its multiple benefits.

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What Isn't Life Coaching?

By now, it's pretty clear what life coaching is. Let's dig into what it's not. So, there is no ambiguity left behind.
Life coaching is often considered the same as mentoring, therapy, counselling, and consulting. But that's not the reality. So let me explain how life coaching is different from these fields.


Life Coaching Vs. Therapy

Usually, therapy is done when a person suffers from anxiety, depression, or other mental illness. First, a therapist digs into the person's past to figure out the behavioural patterns behind mental illness. Next, therapy may help them to identify the root cause and talk at length about the history. Then allow the patient to deal with these issues and overcome them.
Contrary, life coaching is focused mainly on the present and future while implementing tools, rituals and strategies to achieve your goals.

Life Coaching Vs. Consulting

Consultants are hired to solve problems an organisation, business, or person faces through their knowledge and experience. Consultants only provide a road map to solve the problem. The execution of the plan is to be done by the organisation or individuals by themselves.
As opposed to consulting, life coaching is for help and support throughout the process and makes the person accountable.
Life coaching may be similar to counselling, mentoring, therapy, or consulting. However, these are all different from one another. In addition, life coaches may refer to other health providers for treatments if needed.

Types of Life Coaching

Are there many types of life coaching? Yes, there are various types of life coaching based on a different aspect of life you want to focus on.
They include but are not exclusive to spiritual coaching, mindset coaching, health and fitness coaching, career coaching, personal relationship coaching, leadership coaching, financial coaching, performance coaching, family coaching, and transformational coaching. These are only a few; other types of coaching exist.

How To Find The Right Coach?

Finding the right coach for you is essential to achieving your results. So book a free call, and see if the coach and yourself feel like a match. Remember to ask if the coach offers online coaching services if you are not willing to visit a coach physically. Find a coach that has your back and whose values align with yours.

Have you ever got life coaching? If yes, how was your experience? If the outcome was not great, try on another coach that may be a better fit for you.

Happy coach shopping. x Raylee


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Is Mindset or Life Coaching For You?

How would you know if life coaching is for you or not?

These signs include:

  • Overwhelmed and alone in business
  • Have a great idea but don't know where to start
  • Ready for change in life
  • Ready to level up and need support
  • Stressed and burnt out
  • Negative self-talk
  • Feeling stuck in life
  • Feeling lost or directionless
  • Facing imposter syndrome
  • Have a fear of failure
  • Indecisiveness

Therefore hiring a life coach will increase your chances of transforming your life if you're going through a similar state. Whether you're a student, parent, creative, entrepreneur, executive or any other professional, life coaching can help you improve your life.

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Are You Ready To Get Unstuck?Ā 

Quit living the same day over and over? Book a free discovery call with Raylee to start your transformation today.

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